Thursday, October 7, 2010

Get Tek–Inst Digital Pressure Gauge - Sensocon Series A4

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Sensocon Company is committed towards bringing quality sensing products to consumers across the world. Among its most popular products are a series of digital pressure gauge and controls that are ideal for measurement of low differential pressure. This also includes special features like transmitter output and the ability to read velocity or flow. Hence, they are very high in demand as pressure gauging instrument. Nowadays, you can get varied range of digital pressure gauge online from various bona fide online sources.

One such source is the TEK Instrument Company, which has been a reliable and known online source for Instrumentation, Controls, and Gauges, over the years. Recently, we have come up with the Sensocon Series A3 and A4 Digital Differential Pressure Controllers.  These products can be used to measure positive, negative or differential pressure of air and compatible gases.

Of these the Series A4 is ideal for pressure, velocity, and flow applications. These digital pressure gauge ranges also include 2 SPDT relays and a simple programming menu that allows full configuration of many variables. Among these are setpoints, dead band, engineering units, flow coefficient, duct size, and many more.  The Series A4 is also available with a 4-20 mA output for digital scaling to meet your specific requirements.


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